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We left the hotel La Pradera to the farm in front of the hotel on trails over pastures reaching the volcano where a brief stop is made to appreciate the spectacular view of La Fortuna and the Arenal Volcano, after enjoying the excellent route off road , we went to the Arenal river passing through the village of La Guaira to cross this river and there you can enjoy drinks and a refreshing swim, so restore and move to the restaurant located in our facilities where we expect a delicious lunch or dinner. What to bing: shoes, tennis shoes, camera, additional clothes. In order to drive an ATV, you must have at least 16 years old. Under 16 years old may drive together with an adult.
Activity type : Daily Activity
Activity Time : 07:30 AM 11:00 AM 02:30 PM
Duration : 2.5 hours
Maximum number of people : 20
Venue Facilities : Tour includes: Transportation to/from your hotel - Lunch or dinner, snacks.
Not Available
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